Do You Work with Morons? Practice Anti-Stress Techniques at Your Desk

Work can be challenging, and every job has its share of crazies. Don’t let them get to you. You can practice anti-stress techniques at your desk to calm and rejuvenate your mind and body.

Breathing is the most vital component of relaxation. It is surprising how shallowly we breathe.  Close your eyes and breathe deeply – inhaling for five seconds and exhaling for five seconds.  This has the added benefit of resting your eyes which could be under strain from staring at a computer screen for hours.

Try stretching your neck to the right and then to the left. Roll your head slowly in circles to the right and then to the left. Roll your shoulders slowly forward and back. You might enjoy listening to a nature sounds CD download a free nature sounds app on your cell phone.

Take off your shoes under your desk and point and flex your feet. Also, roll your ankles to the right and to the left. You might also try standing up and stretching your arms to the ceiling. Reach up with one arm as high as you can and stretch over your head and to the side. Reverse and repeat on the other side. Slowly stretch forward to touch the floor. Relax and hang there for about a minute. Then slowly roll your spine up to a standing position.

When you take your break, you might try lighting a scented candle and sipping a warm cup of green tea. Try keeping a blessings journal. Meditate while you are sipping the tea, and jot down your blessing for the day in your journal.

A lovely plant and photos on your desk of your family may make your office a more pleasant place to spend the better part of your day.     

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