_ Eat a rainbow of fruits and vegetables every day—the brighter the better.

The brighter, deeper colored fruits and vegetables contain higher concentrations of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants—and different colors provide different benefits. Some great choices are:


Greens are packed with calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, zinc, vitamins A, C, E and K, and they help strengthen the blood and respiratory systems. Be adventurous with your greens and branch out beyond bright and dark green lettuce. 

For example, try kale.  Kale contains large amounts of folic acid and potassium and strengthens hair, skin and nails. 

Broccoli has more vitamin C than citrus fruits and is a great source of fiber.  It boosts the immune system, stalls the growth of cancer cells, reduces the risk of heart disease as well as promotes healthy bone growth since it contains large quantities of calcium. 

Spinach is high in Vitamins A and C and iron along with antioxidants.  It promotes healthy brain function and strong bones and muscles. 

Lettuce is well known for being very low in calories.  Romaine lettuce is packed with antioxidants and fiber.  It contains high levels of magnesium which revitalizes muscle, brain and nerve tissue.  Lettuce is high in iron which helps with the formation of red blood cells.  Go green and stay healthy.

Sweet vegetables:

Naturally sweet vegetables add healthy sweetness to your meals and reduce your cravings for other sweets. 

Sweet potatoes are one of the most common sweet vegetables and have huge amounts of beta-carotene, manganese, copper, fiber, B6, potassium and iron.  A virtual nutritional supplement store is found in a sweet potato.  Sweet potatoes help stomach ulcers and inflamed colon conditions.  They help prevent cancer due to large Vitamin A content, and they help stabilize blood sugar levels. 

Pumpkin is good for urinary tract and kidney support. 

Carrots are the richest source of beta-carotene and are good for eyesight.  They reduce cholesterol, and the risk of heart disease, and help control insulin levels in diabetics.  To satisfy that sweet tooth, try munching on raw sweet veggies.


A wide variety of fruit is also vital to a healthy diet. Fruit provides fiber, vitamins and antioxidants.  Berries are cancer-fighting, apples provide fiber, oranges and mangos offer vitamin C. 

Mangoes in particular are high in iron and help fight anemia
as well as relieve clogged skin pores. 

Oranges contain many vitamins and antioxidants and have been shown to help fight asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, kidney stones, high blood pressure, arthritis and diabetes. 

Papaya contains fiber and digestive enzymes that help break down food in the stomach.  Papaya juice has been proven to prevent motion and morning sickness.      

To relieve stress, relax outside in the fresh air with some deep breathing exercises and a tall chilled glass of fresh fruit juice.  Just 15 minutes of deep breathing, focusing on your blessings and a healthy drink will help you continue on and face the rest of your responsibilities of the day.    

So look at adding some color to your diet and live healthier in 2012.

7/16/2012 05:17:31 am

Nice article bro


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