Pumpkin puree makes a luscious facial mask because pumpkin is rich in zinc and vitamins A, C and E.  Just take 5 teaspoons of pumpkin puree and add 3 teaspoons of brown sugar for natural exfoliation.  Finish with a little splash of cream and mix together.  Apply the lush mixture evenly to your face and neck and relax for 20 minutes.  The pumpkiny goodness will seep into your skin.  Rinse thoroughly and admire your pumpkin pretty skin.

“Mom can we have a snack?”

Make your children a delicious pumpkin snack.  Take 3 tablespoons of your pumpkin puree.  Add 2 scoops of vanilla ice cream, a half cup of milk and a teaspoon of cinnamon.  Combine it all in a blender until you get a tasty milkshake – like pumpkin pie in a glass.

Relax at the End of a Stressful Day with a Pumpkin Cocktail

Fill a shaker with ice and add a tablespoon of pumpkin puree and 2 ounces of vanilla vodka along with a drop of honey and a squeeze of lime.  Shake, pour into a glass, drink and enjoy.

Don’t Waste the Pumpkin!

Your left over jack-o-lantern will make a scrumptious treat for deer if you live in the country.  Just cut it into bite size pieces and toss in your yard away from the house.   Left over pumpkin seeds will feed the birds in any neighborhood.    Just add to your birdfeeder or scatter in your yard.  Relax and enjoy a warm cup of cider as you watch the animals gobble your pumpkin remnants.

7/12/2012 06:23:32 am

nice post


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