Well we made it to 2013.  We survived the Mayan apocalypse of 12/21/12. And for whatever crazy reason, we humans, particularly those of the American variety, seem to feel compelled to come up with at least one New Year's resolution -- as if that is the only day of the year we can resolve to start or stop some habit or activity.

As we consider our own resolutions, let's take a look at what some famous folks from the past and present have resolved over the years.

As usual, losing weight tops the list of New Year's resolutions in America, but Jay Leno has made the point that "Now there are more overweight people in America than average weight people meaning that overweight people are now average; therefore you have met your New Year's resolution." Interesting spin on the weight loss concept. We'll see how that goes in 2013.

Taking a look at celebrities and their fantasy world, we have to ask really?  Are they really going to do this?

Miley Cyrus has vowed to "stop getting in so much trouble with the bosses at Disney." We'll see how that turns out.

Adam Levine of the popular rock group Maroon 5 has resolved to kill his own food in 2013.  Good luck with that Adam.

Oh no she didn't...yes irritating (at least to me) comedienne, Kathy Griffin, has resolved in 2013 "to be at least 20% more sluttier than last year...oh and yeah...more cursing too."  Wha...???

And then there are the resolutions that maybe should be considered...

Brad Pitt - think about replacing Angelina's fertility medicine with tic tacs.  Just a thought.

Michael Phelps - maybe stop using Olympic gold medals to tip dancers in Vegas.  Again, just a thought.

And number one in the category of - No really...EVERYONE wishes you would resolve to do this -- Donald Trump -- PLEASE buy a freaking mirror that enlarges objects so that you can SEE how ridiculous your hair looks, and then, maybe fix it or something!

Going back a century or so we find the ever sarcastic Oscar Wilde who once suggested that "Good resolutions are simply checks that men draw on a bank where they have no account." Good point.

But perhaps Mark Twain, as always, said it best when he lamented that "New Year's Day now is the accepted time to make your regular annual good resolutions.  Next week you can begin paving hell with them as usual."

Whatever your resolutions for 2013, here's wishing you a happy and healthy new year from Fincher Family Sweets!

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