Contrary to popular belief, life still goes on when your baby leaves for college. You do not have to suffer from empty nest syndrome if you don't want to. Being depressed is not required. Face it and embrace it. Do those things you have been wanting to do but have not had time to do. Accept this next chapter of your life. Think about it as the calm before the storm when grandchildren take over your house and you once again have toys strewn about like you had a quarter century ago.

My husband and I are taking a trip to Disney World in a few weeks where we are going to do all of the romantic things for two at a leisurely pace rather than at breakneck speed as we have done for the past two decades. When we get back home we are going to start taking yoga classes twice a week, and who knows...maybe a ballroom dancing class. We've heard they are great fun!

Don't get me wrong. It's not easy to leave your youngest child miles away in a dorm room, but it is inevitable and I choose to not let it get me down. With that said I have documented my baby's move for therapeutic as well as nostalgic purposes.
Elizabeth enjoying one
last snuggle with the
Fincher zoo.

                                                           We just got used to fact that she
                                                           can operate a motor vehicle and
                                                           now she is driving off to college.

Standing in front of her dorm, Elizabeth is a third generation Georgia Bulldog! Joining her granddaddy, Class of 1959; her mom, Class of 1982 and her sister, Class of 2011. Let's hear it for the Class of 2017. The tradition goes on!
                                                                                       Signing in to
                                                                                 Mary Lyndon Hall.
                                                                                 Yes it's Co-ed...
                                                                                 That's how they
                                                                                 roll these days.

Unpacking...It's not your grandmother's
(or your mother's) dorm room.
Today's dorm has WiFi for computers.
No land line - they all have SmartPhones.
Research for term papers right in the room
reclining in bed with an iPad.
Refrigerator is full of snacks...nuke 'em in the
microwave right in the room. AND cable TV!
No more typewriters (what's that?) or
midnights in the library researching or
record players (seriously, what is that?)

                                                                      Setting up the desk.
                                                                      Those do still exist.
                                                                      This is the "Mom,
                                                                      are you still taking
                                                                      pictures?" look.

The room is shaping up! It will be home away from home very soon.

                                                                                    The inevitable
                                                                                    pizza break.  


And the inevitable
Walmart run.

And we're done! Parking pass - check Ice cream social - check Next up - football tickets!
Well, for those of you who read my therapeutic blog to the end, thank you for the indulgence. When you are facing an empty nest, remember, you can always re-feather it with different activities. Try something new! Go a little crazy!
Mary Sheets
8/8/2013 10:22:09 pm

I love you! Nice blog. You are right though, you'll have a few years of just you and John. You can be DONNA, not full time MAMA. Then you'll have to pick out a name to be called by the grandkids.


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