Use Houseplants to Improve the Air in Your Home

Humans inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. In contrast, houseplants take in carbon dioxide and emit oxygen. So, what a great team -- humans and plants!

This unique partnership opportunity means that you can potentially improve the air quality in your home by placing a plant or two in each room.

Research conducted by scientists at NASA has shown that the plants that seem to do the best job of helping to purify the air in a home include:

Reed palms,                            Boston ferns,                          Peace lilies,
English ivy,                              Weeping fig,                           Rubber plant
Chinese evergreen,                  Spider plants,                         Bamboo,
Cornstalk,                                Heart leaf philodendron,          Gerbera daisy,
Moth orchid.                            Dracaena                               Australian sword fern

All of the plants do not necessarily have to be positioned by a window in direct sunlight to thrive. Ask a horticulturist at your local nursery which ones can still undergo a high rate of photosynthesis in shaded areas. Photosynthesis is the process plants go through to create their own food. Some require more sunlight than others for this process.

Plants also absorb harmful chemicals, known as volatile organic compounds (VOCs), that accumulate in your home over time.  Placing well-selected plants in each room of your home may make a noticeable difference with any allergy-sufferers in your family.

Research has also shown that houseplants do a better job of cleaning the air if they are not placed in a drafty area; therefore you may want to position your plants away from heating and air conditioning vents.

Plants have the added benefit of being much less expensive and more sustainable than having a complicated air purification system installed in your home. So, if you want to purify your air and beautify your home at the same time, try using plants in your home decor.

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